Frequently Asked Questions by patients in Gynaecology

Uterine Fibroids

The cause is not well understood but the hormone called oestrogen is associated with its growth. Hence it is found in women of childbearing age and usually regress after menopause.

Family history, African descent, obesity, early onset of menstruation and delayed child bearing.

Yes, if the fibroid is small in size and the only symptoms are heavy menstrual bleeding with cramps. Also drugs maybe given to shrink the fibroid or reduce blood loss before surgery.

Some Fibroids do not cause any problems hence may not require surgery. However, surgery might be necessary if there's:

  • Heavy or prolonged menstrual bleeding unresponsive to drugs.
  • Painful periods
  • Swelling of the tummy
  • An urge to urinate frequently
  • Constipation and backache
  • Recurrent miscarriages or preterm deliveries.

All surgeries especially those involving the removal of fibroids are associated with blood loss hence may require blood transfusion. It is advisable to get blood ready prior to surgery.

This is at the discretion of each surgeon hence you are advised to speak with your Gynaecologist.

The recovery time differ but anywhere between 2-6 weeks.

You are advised to wait for 3-6 months before trying to get pregnant

20 out of 100 women who had surgery for fibroid removal will have their fibroid grow again within few years following the procedure.

Fibroids that are located on the inner lining of the womb and those that block the openings of the fallopian tubes into the womb can cause infertility.


It is advisable to wait for a year before seeking assistance. However, if you are above 35 years or have any concerns; seek help.

Yes, especially at the first visit so that thorough evaluation can be carried out.

It is advisable to get the results of all your tests before coming for review in order to avoid unnecessary time wasting at the clinic.

It means special methods, procedures and implements are thought to be required in order to improve your chance of getting pregnant. Your doctor will explain more to you

Abnormal uterine bleeding

The normal menstrual cycle is between 24 days and 38 days while menstrual flow may lasts up to 8 days

Bleeding is considered abnormal if:


  • It occurs in between periods
  • Bleeding occurs after sexual intercourse
  • Menstrual cycles last longer than 38 days or is shorter than 24 days
  • “Irregular” periods in which cycle length varies by more than 7–9 days
  • Bleeding occurs after menopause

Some of the causes are:

  • Fibroids and polyps
  • Failure to ovulate
  • A condition in which the inner lining of the womb grows into the muscle of the womb.
  • Bleeding disorders
  • Use of birth control methods, such as an intrauterine device (IUD) or birth control pills
  • Miscarriage
  • Ectopic pregnancy
  • Infection of the womb
  • Cancer of the womb or mouth of the womb

Talk to your gynaecologist who will ask for the history of your cycle, examine you then send for the relevant tests.

Generally, you will be asked to do a complete blood count and pelvic scan. Other tests will depend on the findings from your history and physical examination.

Treatment will be tailored to the cause using either drugs or surgery.


You might stay for a day or 2 days if it is a major surgery but go home same day if it is a minor procedure.

It is not advisable as you will need someone to help run errands and give moral support.

You are monitored in the general ward during the first day post surgery. Thereafter, you can be moved to a private ward if stable.

You can receive visitors during visiting hours once the drugs used to prevent pains during surgery wears off.

You are usually required to fast 6-8 hours before the procedure starting from 10pm (the night before the procedure).

If you are going to spend more than a day, you will need extra clothes and toiletries.


Usually for 3-5 days if it is a major procedure or you can go home same day if it is a minor one.

It is advisable you wait for about 2-6 weeks after a major surgery but same day for minor procedures.

You may need to continue drugs for pain, infections and blood building.

Yes, follow up will be given to evaluate your wellbeing and the success of the treatment.

The questions and answers listed above are by no means exhaustive and will be updated from time to time.


The hospital also has dedicated telephone helplines to address your concerns, and it is available on our website